Losing a loved one is painful and challenging, and everyone goes through this process differently. While there is no universal formula to help everyone, there are some tried-and-true tips that have helped many people. These tips are often recommended by psychologists.

1. Accept Support from Family and Friends

  • ● The support of loved ones is a powerful resource in difficult times. However, you might sometimes want to be alone. It's normal to feel irritated when someone tries to help.

  • ● Find a balance between time alone and time with others. Calmly explain to friends and family what you need right now and don’t force yourself to do anything you're not comfortable with.

2. Eat Well and Exercise

  • ● A balanced diet can help you handle stress. Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich foods.

  • ● Drink plenty of water and other healthy beverages.

  • ● Physical activity, like brisk walks, can help organize your thoughts related to the loss and manage negative emotions.

3. Get Enough Sleep

  • ● Sleep is crucial, especially when you're grieving. Your body becomes very exhausted and needs recovery.

  • ● Limit alcohol and caffeine intake as they can worsen sleep quality.

4. Listen to Yourself

  • ● Everyone grieves differently, so only you can determine what helps you the most.

  • ● If you need to share your feelings, do it. If you prefer to keep things to yourself, that’s also fine. Psychologists do not have a unanimous opinion on how much expressing feelings helps in times of grief.

  • ● Many find crying out their pain helpful.

5. Don’t Give All Your Time to Grief

  • ● Engage in enjoyable activities that help you distract yourself and momentarily forget the pain.

  • ● Socializing with friends and new hobbies can help restore your emotional strength.

  • ● Over time, you’ll notice that the periods of grieving become shorter and less frequent – this is a natural healing process.

6. Avoid Harmful Habits

  • ● Don’t try to numb the pain with alcohol, drugs, or excessive medication. These provide only temporary relief and can lead to long-term negative consequences.

7. Stick to a Routine

  • ● Return to your normal daily routine as soon as possible. This helps you feel like your life is getting back to normal.

  • ● Engaging in pleasant activities can ease your pain.

8. Postpone Major Decisions

  • ● Don’t rush into making major decisions, like moving or changing jobs, immediately after a loss. Give yourself time to think.

9. Cherish Memories

  • ● Create a collection of photos or mementos, or write down memories of your loved one.

  • ● These items will help you preserve warm memories and revisit them when you’re ready.

10. Зробіть перерву

  • ● Give yourself a break.

  • ● If you can't take a long vacation, try to take a day or two to get out in nature, visit a museum, or just go for a bike ride.

  • ● Even a short change of scenery can improve your mood.

11. Help Others

  • ● Supporting others can help you too.

  • ● Help those who are also grieving the loss of your loved one.


12. Reassess Your Priorities

  • ● Losing a loved one can make you rethink your life. Use this time to identify what truly matters to you.

  • ● It might be a good time to change your priorities.

10. Take a Break

  • ● Give yourself a break.

  • ● If you can't take a long vacation, try to take a day or two to get out in nature, visit a museum, or just go for a bike ride.

  • ● Even a short change of scenery can improve your mood.

11. Help Others

  • ● Supporting others can help you too.

  • ● Help those who are also grieving the loss of your loved one.

12. Reassess Your Priorities

  • ● Losing a loved one can make you rethink your life. Use this time to identify what truly matters to you.

  • ● It might be a good time to change your priorities.


Certainly, no advice can completely take away the pain of loss, but these recommendations have helped many people cope with grief. Try to apply at least some of them, and you will indeed feel some relief.

  • Illustration

    life coachYaroslava Maksymchuk